Day 13
God doesn’t keep looking at His watch, but He does everything on schedule.
‘The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.’ (1 THESSALONIANS 5:24)
A wise older man told me when I was young that I need three things: ‘You need patience, and then you need more patience, and then you need still more patience.’ He was right. We are always in a hurry. But God works to a different time frame than we do. We are limited by time but God doesn’t wear a watch, carry a calendar or use a Blackberry.
When Abraham came to Canaan and God promised him that he would have a son and from that son would come a nation, he was 75 years old and his wife was 65. Finally, it was when Abraham was 100 years of age and Sarah was 90 that she finally gave birth to the son who had been promised - Isaac.
But what about the nation that was part of the promise? Even 85 years after God had promised Abraham a nation would come from his body, all he had was two baby grandchildren born to Isaac and his wife, Rebekah. But the purposes of God were slowly (very slowly) coming to pass.
Patience isn’t easy. We must trust the divine timing of God. His delays are not His denials.
Do you trust God’s timing in the areas you are impatient?