Day 21
There is a huge difference between conviction and condemnation.
‘Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.’ (ROMANS 8:1)
The devil is called, ‘the accuser of our brothers and sisters’ (Revelation 12:10). First he tempts us, luring us on, making sin attractive and desirable, undermining its consequences and leading us to fail. But once we do, he turns on us and jumps on our back with accusation, ‘You dirty sinner! You failure! You hypocrite!’ And he heaps condemnation on us. And it’s easy to believe because it is true; we have failed, we are sinners.
However, God also speaks to us about our sin, but His voice is very different. God convicts. The devil condemns. There’s a huge difference between the two. Condemnation is like a wet blanket that sits on us so we feel unable to move from under it. It paralyses us. When God convicts, He not only makes us aware of our sin, but He shows us the way out. He takes us to the cross of Christ. Satan’s condemnation is designed to humiliate and destroy us. God’s conviction is designed to liberate us.
To be in Christ is to be in a place of complete security. Cleansed by Him, accepted in Him, we are now in a place of liberty and freedom. Do not let the devil rob you of that freedom.
Lord, thank You for the cross of Christ, through which I find
complete acceptance by the Father, and am never again condemned.