Day 27
We do not behave rightly by rules or by anarchy, but by allowing Jesus to produce His righteousness in us.
‘Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!’ (ROMANS 6:1-2)
There are two mistaken attitudes Christians can take in regard to the law and to sin: one is legalism and the other is license. Legalism reduces Christian living to sets of rules that provide us with the security and predictability that come from living within their boundaries. The other mistake is license, where our understanding of the grace of God is such that we are free, and as we are forgiven in advance anyway, we are not too concerned by the laxity that takes over.
The key to living is neither legalism nor license, but Life! ‘Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness’ (Romans 6:13). He is saying that you have received a new life; the life of Christ has been given to you. Offer your body to Him, as an instrument of righteousness, and as you live in fellowship and communion with Him, presenting your body as an instrument of righteousness, He will be the source and explanation of your life. That is the Christian life!
Are you driven by legalism or license? If so, turn instead to daily dependence on the indwelling Christ, trusting Him for wisdom and fruitfulness.