Day 23
The Christian life is a gift, not something we earn.
‘For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed — a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”’ (ROMANS 1:17)
Martin Luther was a monk teaching theology at the University of Wittenberg in Germany. As a teacher of the Bible he began to wrestle with the subject of his own personal salvation. Even though he lived a disciplined life, went to confession, made pilgrimages and endured self-inflicted suffering, he never had any sense of peace with God. One day he was teaching Romans to his students and he came to the verse, ‘The righteous will live by faith’ (Romans 1:17). Suddenly the light went on for Martin Luther! He understood that our standing before God is only on the basis of trusting what Christ has accomplished – which is what faith is – and not about what we may do to earn it.
This is a central doctrine of the New Testament. Our state before God of being justified, our experience of regeneration, our assurance of all that is to come has nothing at all to do with our own abilities, intentions or performance. We come not only with empty hands but with sin-stained hands.
Lord, thank You for Your marvelous gift of grace.