Day 8
What instinct is to the animal kingdom, the Holy Spirit is to human function.
‘Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD.’ (JEREMIAH 8:7)
Migrating birds traverse thousands of miles, on time and on track, returning eventually to the very nest they left months before. They are governed by a migratory instinct that teaches them what to look for, where to go and when to come back. Jeremiah noted the accuracy of their timing and actions and observed, ‘But my people do not know the requirements of the Lord.’ Why does the animal kingdom operate predictably and accurately, yet human beings do not?
The governing force in the animal kingdom is what we call ‘instinct.’ If an animal lost its instinct, would it behave properly? Of course not, there would be only chaos and confusion. What happens when human beings lose God? There is chaos and confusion, exactly the situation our newspapers inform us of every morning and our television news bulletins report every evening. Jeremiah’s statement was a completely logical one. Though birds migrate on time because they are blessed with a functioning instinct, Jeremiah has to say, ‘my people do not know the requirements of the Lord,’ because they have become separated and detached from God. reconciliation to God is the beginning of being truly human – it is the way we were created.
Thank You that through the death and resurrection of Christ, I can be reconciled to God and become energised and led by the Spirit of God.