Day 11

Charles Price

The story of the work of God is not always neat and tidy, nor black or white. Sometimes we have to live in the grey.

‘Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry.’ (2 TIMOTHY 4:11b)

In the book of Acts, we read about Barnabas who was sent up to Antioch to lead the church there, and about Paul who blazed the trail for the gospel across the Mediterranean world. There came a time in these two heroes’ lives when they had a massive argument over a young man from their first journey named John Mark. This young man quit at one point of that journey and went home.

When Paul and Barnabas got ready for their second journey, Barnabas said to Paul, ‘Let’s take John Mark,’ and Paul responded, ‘No, he quit the first time.’ Paul chose a new companion, Silas, and Barnabas took John Mark with him.

The likely truth is that both Paul and Barnabas were right. They simply had different personalities and saw the situation differently. We see the fruit of Paul’s personality in his thirteen letters and numerous church plants. We also see the fruit of Barnabas’ pastoral heart when that young man, John Mark, went on to write the Gospel of Mark. The personalities of Paul and Barnabas may have clashed in sharp disagreement, but God used the uniqueness of both to further the gospel. Don’t make personality clashes a personal thing! They may be serving the purposes of God.

Thank God for the different perspectives that all contribute to getting the work of God done.