Day 19
Brokenness is being absolutely realistic about who we are, our failure and our utter dependence on Him.
‘A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume.’ (LUKE 7:37)
The Bible tells a story of Simon the Pharisee inviting Jesus over for dinner. Crashing the party was a ‘sinful’ woman who began to cry and wipe Jesus’ feet with her hair. The Talmud, the Jewish book that interprets the law, said that a woman could be divorced for letting her hair down in the presence of another man. Not only did the woman let her hair down, but she poured alabaster perfume on Jesus’ feet.
It’s intriguing that Simon the Pharisee did nothing but watch. I suggest he was trying to catch Jesus out, and waited, watching for His response. We see this when the Pharisee suggests, ‘If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is— that she is a sinner’ (Luke 7:39).
Jesus responds by telling a parable of two men who are unable to repay their debts, one a large debt the other a small debt. The moneylender forgave them both the debt, and Jesus asked the question, ‘Which of them will love him more?’ He then pointed out how this woman had not stopped washing and kissing His feet, whereas the Pharisee had not even offered Him water for His feet. People who are aware of their sin and need are in a much healthier relationship with God than those who think they are ok. The Pharisee is left wanting. To the woman Jesus says, '"Your faith has saved you; go in peace"' (Luke 7:50).
Are you aware of your need for Christ?