Day 23

Charles Price

Often it’s in the silence that we’re in the middle of God’s preparation for something.

‘My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.’ (PSALM 31:15)

In times of silence in the Christian life, we must never lose sight of God’s orchestrating presence. The conductor of an orchestra beats time regardless of which instruments are playing – if any - and if there is silence, he continues to beat time until the moment he brings the music back to life again.

Maybe you’re at a point in your life at present where you don’t see God doing anything. It may seem that the conductor has ceased beating time. There is no music you can hear. But God will bring the music back to life in His time. There is still a rhythm God is working towards and it’s often just before a climactic piece. Many got tired of waiting for the Messiah but then in a little town of Bethlehem, in a dark time in Israel’s history, the Saviour was born. There had been 400 years of silence after the Old Testament revelation had been given, no fresh word from the prophets, no fresh intervention of God. Then, suddenly, Jesus was born. God had never stopped conducting, and in His own time, the music was coming to a climax. The same principle holds true today. His beat continues in our lives each day regardless of our circumstances. We need to be patient, trusting and watching.

Which areas of your life is God asking you for patience and faithfulness? Keep them before God in prayer.