Day 25

Charles Price

Instead of listening and waiting for God to speak, we often put pressure on ourselves to come up with new programs and activities.

‘For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.’ (EPHESIANS 5:23)

The Church is not an organization. It’s an organism. What’s the difference? An organism is alive and capable of thinking, feeling and deciding. My body is a living organism. Now an organism needs organization, but I am not an organization! Similarly, the church is a living organism, the body of Christ, of which He is the head, His Spirit is the Life, and we, His people, are the members. The church needs organizing, but it is driven, not by organizational strategies, but the life of God at work within it. If a church is reduced to a religious organization, it will rob itself of life and power and end up just running programs. That is why we pray, so that God Himself may be at work among us.

If there was one cry from heaven for the church in the 21st Century it may well be a cry from the Lord Jesus saying, ‘Give me back My Church.’ Is Christ capable of being its head? Of course He is! It’s His Church, but so often we don’t let Him lead. We come with all our agendas and all our own ambitions, desires, and super-impose them onto Christ instead of humbly coming to God seeking His purpose and Will. As we let God be the head we allow His purposes to work out in rich blessing.

Lord, I surrender my life to You. Use me in Your Church however You desire.