Day 15
God makes us, moulds us, and builds us for His purposes.
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’ (Jeremiah 1:5)
When a friend of mine was ordained into the ministry, the man who conducted the service said, ‘God did not call you to be Billy Graham, or Hudson Taylor or CH Spurgeon, He called you to be you.’ My friend said that was one of the most depressing things he had ever heard!
But it’s true! God created you to be you. As a creation of God, everything about us is significant. Even our weaknesses are significant.
The Bible is full of examples of God working through people who felt completely unable to do what He was calling them to do. Our weaknesses are created by God as well as our strengths. In fact I suggest that our strengths are often a bigger problem to us than our weaknesses, for we are in danger of being self sufficient in them. Our weaknesses make us dependent on God, but also dependent on others. We were never intended to go it alone. We need each other, and together in unity we depend on the Lord who alone brings spiritual life and substance to what we are doing.
Are there areas in your life that you have trouble accepting? Bring them to Christ today.