Day 27
We read the Bible, not to know the Bible, but to know God.
'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.’ (Isaiah 55:8)
If God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, and if God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts, how will we know His thoughts? There’s only one possible way. It is by revelation. It’s the same way that you know what someone else is thinking. They need to tell you. There’s only one way we can know the thoughts of God – He needs to tell us.
Through Scripture, God reveals His thoughts and He reveals His heart. The ministry of the Holy Spirit who inspired the Word, is also to interpret it and make it living and personal to us. In studying the Word of God and understanding the Word of God, we need to look beyond words to the mind and heart of God. God’s fullest revelation is in Jesus Christ, whom we also know through His Word. There we see the mind and heart of God in three dimensional activity. What we see in Christ illustrates and demonstrates what we read in His Word. Hence Jesus IS the Word, the embodiment of God’s Truth (John 1:1). God’s Word must go beyond our minds (where it gives information) to dwell in our hearts (where it gives life). ‘Let the message of Christ dwell in you richly...’ (Colossians 3:16).
Lord, thank you for revealing Yourself to me.