Day 23
Learning to be content.
‘The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.’ (Psalm 23:1)
If you’re struggling with contentedness, I invite you to read Psalm 23. The Psalm begins, ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.’ The evidence of lacking nothing is that ‘he makes me lie down in green pastures’ (Psalm 23:2). Sheep only lie down when they’re contented. How does He make them content? Look at some of the green pastures in the Psalm. ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me’ (Psalm 23:4). He talks about ‘the shadow of death.’ The shadow of a dog will never bite you, the shadow of a truck will never run you down, and the shadow of death will never kill you.
Not only that, but ‘Your rod and your staff, they comfort me,’ (Psalm 23:4). When marauding animals came along, the shepherd would whack them with His rod, to keep them away. When the wandering sheep fell over the cliff He would pull them back to safety with His staff. When sheep needed a poke they would get it from the rod or staff. This poking, prodding and whacking may not sound very appealing, but to the sheep it is secure and comforted. Then, whatever else happens, ‘Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,’ (Psalm 23:6). Trailing behind us is goodness and love. Have you any reason not to be content?
Are you responding to God’s shepherding with contentment?