Day 29
We don’t clean up to come to Christ.
‘“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”’ (John 8:11)
Every church has to be clear about its mission and how to accomplish it. That sometimes takes very fresh and innovative thinking. In the past, evangelism was often centered on attractive services and events that believers brought unbelievers to attend. I grew up in a Christian environment of frequent evangelistic campaigns and crusades, which were great reaping times for the church. But generally in our culture today, people don’t come to our events anymore. We have to go to them. It is what the Lord Jesus Himself did, it is what the early Church did, and it is what we have to do.
Jesus said to Nicodemus, ‘For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him’ (John 3:17). It can be an unhealthy pastime to review the sins of the world and condemn them. That is not our task, and neither was it the task of Jesus. He responded to the woman caught in adultery without condemnation, He ate with despised tax collectors, made friends with sinners – often upsetting the religious people who thought He should know better. Jesus can handle that fact of our sin, as we must learn to handle peoples’ sin with grace and mercy. The free gift of salvation is not offered to those who deserve it, but to those who don’t. All we contribute to salvation is the sin from which we need to be saved.
Are there people in your life who God is asking you to meet on their terms?