Day 5
There is no way around spending time in God’s Word, because it’s the Word of God that reveals the mind of God.
‘How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.’ (Psalm 119:9-11)
David asks a question asked by many in Psalm 119: ‘How shall a young person stay on the path of purity?’ The answer? ‘By living according to your word’ (Psalm 119:9). We are conformed to the Spirit of God through the Word of God – but it’s more than just an intellectual activity. If we’re going to grow in the Christian life, we need the written word to make the Living Word real in us so that through its precepts and truths we may know Christ better.
Spending time with God in Scripture is not an optional extra to the Christian life. Firstly, the Christian life is a relationship and relationships grow and thrive on the measure of communications that existswithin the relationship. Scripture is God speaking and we read it to hear His voice. Secondly, all we reliably know about God, we know through His Word. We may be deists by looking at creation and recognizing a Creator but we are Christians when we are in direct contact with God, which His Word allows. The Scripture is God speaking, not just in the past tense, but now, through His Word.
Are you giving God’s Word sufficient time in your life?