Day 25

Charles Price

Jesus is the exact portrayal of what human beings are intended to be.


‘If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.’ (John 14:7)


Major Ian Thomas was the biggest influence on my own Christian life. He used to say that Jesus Christ is the truth about God and He is the truth about humanity. He is the truth about God because He is the truth about humanity –because humanity was created to portray the truth about God. That is what is meant to have been created in the image of God. You look at humanity and you see what God is like. That was what human beings were like before the Fall.


Jesus Christ is described as the ‘second man’ and the ‘last Adam’ (1 Corinthians 15:45-47). He was born a genuine human being; not as we are in our fallen state but as God intended humanity to be when He first created Adam. He was never for one moment less than God but He lived His life on earth as though He was never more than a man. He demonstrated what true humanity is like by living out of the triple disposition of love for His Father, obedience to His Father and dependence on His Father.


Ultimate truth about God and truth about humanity is expressed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. He is the expression of the moral character of God and the barometer against which all claims to truth must be measured. Any ideas we may hold on to that are not expressed in the person of Jesus are at fault. He, as ‘the truth, ’ is the final measuring stick of all things.


Lord, I’m grateful for the truth revealed in Jesus Christ. Help me to live according to that truth.