Day 18
Until the law is replaced by Life, we will not be liberated.
‘But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.’ (Romans 7:6)
Paul uses the imagery of being ‘married’ to the law. A young woman falls in love and marries a young man called Mr. Mosaic Law. At first she is impressed with his discipline, order and the quality of his life. After the honeymoon is over, Mr. Law starts to give his bride a daily ‘to do’ list of impossible standards. He comes home every evening to expose her weakness and to mock her for her failure. She becomes increasingly crushed until one day, Mr. Law drops dead. Despite her dutiful mourning she is relieved! Soon she falls in love again, this time with a young man called Mr. Resurrection Life. He too impresses her with His discipline, order and the quality of His life. She marries him and He has the same standards as Mr. Law had but there is a difference. She has an overwhelming sense of His love for her. He tells her of the possibilities of her own life but says ‘You cannot do this alone. I am here to work with you, to support you, to encourage you and to empower you.’ Sometimes she fails but He never condemns her. And the new Mrs. Life lives happily ever after in the liberating protection of being married to Mr. Resurrection Life!
This is Paul’s illustration! We have died to the law that makes demands we cannot fulfill, to become united to the Spirit who liberates and satisfies.
Are you married to the law or to the Spirit?