Day 9
The best way to spot error in doctrine is to be thoroughly familiar with truth.
‘The Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’ (HEBREWS 4:12)
Mark Twain once said, ‘The parts of Scripture that bother me most are not the parts I don’t understand but the parts I do understand.’ The Bible can make us uncomfortable at times! We might not like the sound of some doctrines and wish they were different. The temptation is to look for an interpretation of difficult passages that suits our own preferences. When people attend a ‘church of their choice,’ it is often based on their own prejudices and preferences of ideas. I know that some areas of doctrine are ambiguous and there are legitimate ways to read aspects of Scripture differently, but we must come to the Scriptures in a spirit of humility and submission if they are to be effective in our lives.
We need to ask ourselves, am I reading the Word of God properly and obeying what I know? That’s the essential issue. We don’t look for what suits our tastes best, but allow our minds to be instructed and grow. We believe what He declares, not what we desire.
Lord, thank You for Your Word. I submit to You alone.