Day 25
For those with eyes to see, the fingerprints of God are all over creation.
‘Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen.’ (Romans 1:20)
Abraham Lincoln became a hero of mine after I read his biography as a boy. He once wrote this: ‘I never gaze at the stars, without feeling that I am looking into the face of God. I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the sky and say, “There is no God.”’ Paul is saying in this passage from the book of Romans that creation reveals the Creator. God’s invisible qualities have been clearly seen. Now that’s a contradiction in terms! How do we see invisible qualities? We see them in His handiwork, whether in the vastness of the sky at night, or by the intricacies of the tiny fly that lands on our table. For those who have eyes to see, all of creation is a revelation of God.
Notice that Paul does not say that everyone has heard the Gospel in creation! No, he says that everyone has had a revelation of God in creation, but that is only the start of a trail we need to follow. This isimplied by Paul going on to state that because of the natural revelation of God in creation, ‘people are without excuse’ (Romans 1:20). The extent of our knowledge of God depends on how much we followthrough on the initial revelation God gives us of Himself. There is always more to know, and every new insight should deepen our appetite for more.
Lord, thank You for every revelation You give of Yourself.