Day 18
The genuine Christian life may involve God doing things that defy natural explanation.
‘But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wifeElizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.’ (Luke 1:13)
When God speaks to us, He rarely talks to us about the things that are humanly possible. Both Mary andElizabeth faced this very thing when God brought both of them a message through the angel – a message that was totally outside the realm of possibility. Mary was to have a baby but was a virgin – and Elizabeth had the opposite problem; she was to have a baby but was old. For Mary having a baby was too soon, for Elizabeth it was too late – both were human impossibilities.
We have a choice to either live in the realm of the natural where everything is reasonable, human and explicable, or to live in the supernatural where we take seriously the Word of God and depend on Him for its fulfillment. If we chose to live only in the realm of the natural, and never allow God to take us into the realm of what only He can do – which is what makes it supernatural – then we’ll never know the joy and excitement that is possible in an adventurous, obedient and trusting Christian life.
Are you living a safe Christian life or one that includes the thrill of trusting God?