Day 26

Charles Price

Eternal separation from God is the most awful consequence of not trusting Christ.


‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.’ (Matthew 10:28)


The idea of hell is abhorrent to us. How can it be otherwise? The primary teaching about hell comes from Jesus Himself. Paul, in his thirteen letters, talks about judgment and spiritual death, but he neveruses the word hell.


There is clearly some ambiguity about the nature of hell. On the one hand it is a lake of fire (Revelation 20:14), on the other it is a place of darkness (Matthew 25:30). Fire and darkness present conflictingimages, for fire gives light. It is also described as a place where the ‘worms that eat them do not die’ (Mark 9:48), and yet it is a ‘second death’ (Revelation 20:14). ‘Not dying’ and ‘death’ are again conflicting images. I suggest the reality is that there are no words, images, or concepts that adequately describe hell. Its essential nature is that it is a place of separation from God. Paul writes, ‘They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord’ (2 Thessalonians 1:9). It is this being ‘shut out from the presence of the Lord’ that is the most horrific description of hell. We must treat hell with humility. R.W. Dale, a well-known British preacher in the late 19th century, said the only man he knew who had the right to preach about hell was D.L. Moody because he never spoke of it without tears. That is the authentic attitude towards hell.


Lord, thank You that my eternal destination rests on Your work on the cross.