Day 12
“I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “Before Abraham was born, I am!”
—JOHN 8:58
It is no wonder many people in Jesus’ day had difficulty with Him. Statements like this were so outlandish and ridiculous to the human ear, and blasphemous to the Jewish ear.
Of course, anyone can make bizarre claims, so the question is: Are the claims of Jesus true or false? If the claims are false, they are false for one of two reasons. Either because He knew they were false – which would make Him bad, or He didn’t know they were false, which would make Him mad. If, however, they were true, He was God. These are the only three options open to us, if the record of His words is true. It is not an option to say He was merely a ‘good man’, for a good man who was not divine, would not make the statements Jesus made about ‘coming from above’, or being in existence before Abraham!
If Jesus was a bad man, deliberately deceiving people, then He is the biggest confidence trickster in history. Today there are almost two billion people who claim, in some measure, an allegiance to Jesus Christ. If He was mad, He would join the ranks of many mad men in history, like Rasputin for instance, but for whom time would confirm their insanity.
From the logic of the situation alone, Jesus’ claims to be pre-existent and sent from His Father carry strong claim to be true. One of the things He said was that He would be crucified and then rise again after three days. That happened exactly as He said it would.
Don’t make the mistake of saying that in some way Jesus became the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead. No, He was eternally the Son of God, but, “He was declared with power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead.” It is His resurrection from the dead – the fulfillment of one of His naturally impossible claims – which declares and affirms who He is, the Son of God.
And that is why the gospel is much more than the teaching of Jesus. It’s about the person of Jesus Himself – the One who is alive!
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for coming to earth clothed in humanity in order to provide the only means possible to be forgiven and reconciled to You… through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord and Saviour who died so that we may live.
TO REFLECT UPON: How would I answer someone who questions the deity of Jesus?