Day 18
“After His suffering He showed Himself to these men and gave ‘many convincing proofs’ that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke about the Kingdom of God.” —ACTS 1:3
Why do you suppose it was necessary for the resurrected Jesus to give the disciples ‘many convincing proofs’ that He was alive? Scripture makes clear that though Jesus spoke to them about his death and resurrection, the disciples didn’t believe Him. When they got news that first morning Jesus was alive, they did not believe the women who told them because their words seemed to them like an idle tale.
When Jesus appeared in the upper room to the disciples they thought He was a ghost, so He invited them, “Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have” (Luke 24:39). At that they believed.
So why did Jesus, over a period of 40 days, give them ‘many convincing proofs that He was alive’? How many convincing proofs would they need? They had believed anyway, but wouldn’t His appearing before them once be enough?
I suggest the reason was that they did not only need to know that He had been raised from the dead (past tense), but that He is alive (present tense). When they stepped out in obedience to His commission, when they faced opposition, persecution and suffering, they needed to know that Jesus is alive.
It’s one thing to believe He was raised; it’s another thing to believe that He IS alive. We are two thousand years on from this time, and we may believe He WAS raised, but not live as though He IS alive. When we face a crisis…Jesus IS alive! When we face a diagnosis of some unexpected illness … Jesus IS alive. When a sudden tragedy comes into our lives...Jesus IS alive. It is not only the historicity of the resurrection of Christ that lies at the foundation of the gospel, but that two thousand years later, Jesus Christ IS alive!
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, Knowing You are ALIVE makes all the difference in the world. You are my strength, my refuge, my comfort, and I pray for everyone who has yet to experience your life-giving presence, that they find their rest in You.
TO REFLECT UPON: Do I live my life with a conscious awareness that Jesus is alive and active within me?