Day 10

Charles Price

“...regarding His Son...” —ROMANS 1:3

Paul states that the gospel stands above every human philosophy and every human reasoning. It is not about personal opinion or speculation. It has its roots in prophetic statements made far in advance and that have been fulfilled in intricate detail, thus showing themselves to be authentic and trustworthy.


If the gospel is not objectively true; that is, if there are not some historical facts that stand outside of our own personal thoughts or experience, then belief in Christ becomes highly subjective and a matter of preference or opinion. If it is just a personal preference, it is of no more validity than any other religious system.


But if it is true, it is not subject to whether we like it or not, or believe it or not. For truth is not a matter of opinion but fact.


What are the facts on which Christianity is built? They are supremely the person and work of Jesus Christ. Paul said to the Corinthians, “I came with one message, Jesus Christ: who He is, what He did in his crucifixion”. We must never sidetrack from this central issue, because Christianity cannot be adequately understood apart from the person and work of Jesus Christ Himself.


That is why His teaching centered on Himself. Jesus said, “I am the way,” not, “I’ll show you the way”, as others may have said. He said, “I am the truth,” not “I’ll teach you the truth;” “I am the life,” not “I’ll show you how to find life;” “I am the light”, not “I’ll switch on the light;” “I am the bread,” not, “I’ll feed you the bread.” He didn’t say, “I’ll give you shepherds.” He said, “I AM the Good Shepherd.” Everything Jesus offers He Himself IS!


That is why His invitation is this: “Come to me” – not merely adopt my teaching, but come to me! Then, ‘abide in me’, and ‘learn of me’. Christ is Himself the indispensable ingredient in the Christian life. If Christ is not alive, neither is Christianity.

PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the life and work of Jesus Christ within me. Help me to always abide in Him for He is the Way, the Truth and the Life that connects me with You.

TO REFLECT UPON: What is my faith in Jesus Christ based on?