Day 13

Charles Price

God created human beings as the pinnacle of His creation for His pleasure.

‘I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.’ (PSALM 139:14)

Every time we look in the mirror we are looking at roughly ten thousand trillion cells. We begin as one cell at the moment of conception, and then split about 47 times before we’re born. These cells make up our body; each tiny cell in our body contains two meters of DNA, and every piece of DNA contains 3.2 billion pieces of information about you.

David the Psalmist didn’t know the fruit of modern science, but he knew that we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’ There is a vast universe out there in the heavens that is mind-boggling in its bigness and vastness. There’s also an incredibly intricate universe inside each one of us that’s every bit as mind-boggling in its detail and complexity.

We were made for the pleasure of God (Revelation 4:11, KJV). It’s this relationship that not only gives each one of us value and dignity, but purpose and meaning. It is God’s pleasure to give each of us this high sense of being wonderfully and marvelously created.

Lord, thank You for creating me so beautifully. I’m in awe of Your greatness. All praise to You!