Day 31

Mar 31, 2024    Charles Price

The resurrection of Christ is either the pinnacle of history or the greatest fraud ever perpetuated.

‘And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.’ (1 Corinthians 15:14)

If Jesus’ death was the end of the story it would simply be another tragic story of hopes shattered – but it’s not the end! On that glorious morning, the women came to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body with spices. To their amazement, the stone was rolled away. Two men dressed in white sitting at the tomb said these remarkable words: ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!’ (Luke 24: 5-6). Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were speechless. They ran to tell His disciples. ‘But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense’ (Luke 24:11).

The New Testament records the resurrection of Jesus as literal, physical fact. It is not a symbolic resurrection. Paul declares that if the resurrection is not true, then all of Christianity collapses. Without Jesus Christ alive, there is no Gospel and no salvation – for He Himself is the active ingredient of the Christian life, and for that He has to be alive!

What we celebrate today is the culmination of an event - His death, burial and resurrection, which is the foundation of our faith. Jesus rose from the dead, conquering death and granting eternal salvation to allwho believe. The proof? The historical evidence is impressive but the inner transformation in each heart submitted to the living Christ is the ultimate evidence that Jesus is alive.

Lord, thank You for the gift of Your resurrection life that You so graciously give to indwell my life.