Day 5

Charles Price

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.” —PROVERBS 3:6

I travel quite a bit and an empty seat next to me on the plane is always great. I can spread out, relax, and not have to talk to anybody! Not only is that increasingly rare, but it is also good to know that God may have an assignment along the way, and He may orchestrate things so that He puts you next to someone you need to meet and talk to – maybe for their benefit, maybe for mine. Knowing the guidance of God is not about working that out in advance – but just minding our own business, doing what seems natural and right, and if God has something particular in mind for us, having eyes that are open to see it.

Being in the will of God isn’t difficult, nor is it like trying to resolve riddles. It is living life with the assumption God is being as good as His word, and keeping us on track. Our job is to ‘acknowledge him in all your ways’ and His task is ‘to direct your paths’.

Most of the guidance of God in our lives is not conscious. We just go about life with the assumption that He will guide us, so it’s probably best not even to be thinking about it. When I was a student, a friend of mine used to pray about which side of the road he should walk on when he went into town, just in case God had a reason for him to be on one side rather than the other. God rarely, if ever, showed him, so he would go and come back convinced he had gone on the wrong side! If God wants us on a particular side of the road for any reason, that is His job to put us there – so ignore it and trust Him.

Sometimes you may find yourself alongside someone, and something is going on. Maybe you find an open heart, or a situation that is breaking them and opening their hearts to God in a way you can speak to. We can’t orchestrate it. We don’t need to worry about it. Just trust God is directing your paths, and if nothing happens, don’t feel guilty about it. Just trust Him.

Remember, He is the Master; and we are the servants. It is His job to put us into those situations and circumstances where He wants us to be.

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for being the Master Planner in my life. I know You will use me at your discretion, and may I always have eyes to see and ears to hear where You have placed me for your


TO REFLECT UPON: Am I constantly trying to figure out ways to be of service to God, or do I relax, allowing Him to direct my paths?