Day 14
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” — 1 John 1:7
Just suppose I want to make a purchase for which I have no cash and the cost exceeds the money that is currently in my account. It would be legitimate for me to come to an arrangement whereby I postdate a cheque by a few days to the time I know my account will have sufficient funds. In handing over the post-dated cheque, I receive the goods and treat them as mine. My debt is being covered by the cheque, though not yet paid for.
The sacrificial system of the Old Testament was like the writing of a post-dated cheque. It covered sin in the way my post-dated cheque covers my purchase. The actual money has not yet changed hands. The seller is still out of pocket of what I owe. The debt remains covered, but not removed. Only when the money is in my account can the cheque be cashed and exchanged for the real thing. Then the seller has the money in his pocket, whereas previously, the debt was covered, but now it is also removed.
The blood of bulls, goats and lambs was the cheque, post-dated to Calvary. It acknowledged the debt. It covered the sin, but in itself was of little value. Only at Calvary when the sinless Son of God was made sin for us was the debt finally paid. When Jesus cried from the cross, “It is finished”, He was declaring for all humankind to hear, “The debt is paid.” The money is in the bank. The sin that for centuries has only been covered is now removed. The debt is paid in full and we are free!
At the moment of true repentance when we accept Christ as Lord and Saviour, with a willingness to turn from our sin and confess it to Him, the account of the Lord Jesus is credited to our account in full payment of our sin. Our sin is not only covered, but is now removed. We are no longer in debt and can never be called to account for it again.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I’ll never know the agony of the cross and what it cost you to pay my account in full. I do know the wages of sin is death and you saved my life. you came to live in me and made me your own. With all my heart, I thank you, Lord.
To reflect upon: What does it mean to me that I am free and my debt is paid in full through the blood of Jesus? How often do I think about that and how has it changed my life?