Day 18

Charles Price

“In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.” — Proverbs 3:6


“I want to be used by God. I want to serve Him but how, when, where?” Our guidance is God’s responsibility. It is part of His covenant with us, and “He will direct your paths”. But how? Here are some clues. David writes, “Delight yourselves in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). That doesn’t mean God will give us what we want, but that our actual desires will be God-given desires. We may begin to feel a pull, like a compass God places in our hearts that keeps drawing us in a certain direction. Philippians 2:13 says, ‘It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose’ First the “will”, the desire, then the act. Both are from His work in us. 

But is it our own wishful thinking or is this desire really from God? There are four follow up questions I often ask that help me discern whether a desire is really from God. First, is it consistent with Scripture (not an odd verse or two, but the whole of scripture)? And secondly, what do my inner convictions say? Our inner convictions are subjective and therefore unreliable, but Scripture is objective, true, trustworthy and reliable. Thirdly, what are my present circumstances? Do they allow me to venture out without neglecting obligations of circumstances and relationships? Fourthly, what do reliable friends and others say? Proverbs 12:15 says, “A wise man listens to advice.” But it’s advice, not instruction we are looking for! We must own the decision.

Guidance is not a static act like consulting a rule book. It is a living process of the Holy Spirit, putting a compass in our hearts and leading us. Here are some good additional considerations. Is the chief beneficiary me, or does it enable me to serve others? Will it take me deeper into God or draw me away from Him? Making two columns of pros and cons has often helped me clarify things. Sometimes I have waited months for one column to grow and the other to decline.

We will probably never be 100% sure until we are 90% sure and step out in faith. Confirmation usually comes in retrospect. When all the pieces have fallen in place, we can look back and see that God has indeed led us. As Abraham’s servant said when he came home earlier than expected with a bride for Isaac, ‘I being in the way, the Lord led me’ (Genesis 24:27 KJV). Live ‘in the way’ and the Lord will lead.


Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, there is no more rewarding and fulfilling life than to be used by you. Keep me in your will as an ongoing reality in my life and thank you, lord, for the promise you have made to direct my paths.


To reflect upon: Do I now, or have I ever, felt a persistent pull in a certain direction which God may have placed in my heart? If so, follow cautiously but confidently that He will continue to guide.