Day 16

Charles Price

 “...but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.” —1 CORINTHIANS 1:23

The message of the Apostle Paul was not ‘Christianity’, a religion, but ‘Christ’ the person. To embrace Christianity merely as a doctrinal system of which Christ may be the patron and even its leading player, will never excite us or transform us. Paul’s message to the Philippians about Christ was, “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6). Christ, who was active at the beginning of the work of God in them, will remain active until the end.  Paul’s message was not about a life-style, or a world-view, but a message of Life, the life of Jesus to be lived in men, women, boys and girls who respond in humble submission to Him. This makes Christianity more than an ethic and more than good theology, but a living relationship with God, for which Christ is indispensable and fresh every day!

Christians live their lives in union with Christ, not trying to walk in His footsteps and trying to imitate His lifestyle, but allowing Christ to be Himself in them. He alone is the source of our strength and wisdom. As we live in fellowship with Him, talking to Him in prayer, acknowledging our dependence on Him, listening to Him in His word and obeying Him, He works in us, and then through us to bring encouragement, life and blessing to other people. 

That makes Christianity different! That makes Christianity dynamic!  

We must be sure that we have placed our confidence in the person of Jesus Christ – not in the rituals and regulations of our church, and not in anyone but Christ Himself. People and organizations cannot give us life, and will let us down, but Jesus Christ living His life in us, will always be amply sufficient for us.

It is His presence in us that will be sufficient when everything else fails. When we find ourselves in the darkness of uncertainty, confusion or tragedy, we may rely on Christ to have not been outwitted or taken by surprise, but to relentlessly be at work, molding us more fully into His own image, and fulfilling His own purpose in us and through us.

PRAYER: Thank you, Lord Jesus. You are right here within me. YOU are my strength! YOU are my joy!