Day 12
We walk by faith, not by sight, and this entails trusting God to take us through dark places and along dark corridors where we have no natural explanation at all as to what is going on.
“We walk by faith, not by sight.” —2 CORINTHIANS 5:7
Many of us have a very clear idea of what we want our lives to consist of. We pray about it fervently and say things like: “Lord, I would like to do this with my life.” “I would like to go there.” “I would like that relationship and these resources.” Then it doesn’t happen! We begin to say, “God, do You really care? Are You really listening to me?” And we begin to doubt very much that He is.
Most of us prefer to walk by sight than to walk by faith. We want to be able to see and explain exactly what is going on. We want to know the reason for everything, and if we don’t know, we want the right to speculate and work it out and come to some fairly clear answers. But this is not a privilege we are given. We walk by faith, not by sight, and this entails trusting God to take us through dark places and along dark corridors where we have no natural explanation at all as to what is going on.
Our security is not in where we are, but in Who we are trusting. Our trust in Christ is not a blind mystical ‘we just hope everything will work out’, but rooted in God’s revelation of Himself in His Word. David encourages us to pray the words he wrote in Psalm 119.133. “Lord, direct my footsteps according to your words.” In Psalm 37:4, he writes, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” By His word and by His Spirit, the Lord has undertaken to place His desires in our hearts and lead us according to His word. When we know the security of that, we can walk by faith and not by sight, knowing that though we may not know the pathway with all its unexpected twists and turns, God does. And in that is our security!