Day 15
“Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” — Lamentations 3:22-24
In my teenage years, I went with a group of young people from my area to Capernwray Hall, a young people’s Christian conference center in the north of England. We attended for a week in the summer and it was a great time. I heard things about the Christian life I had never heard before. At the end of the week, I went home excited by everything I had learned, by the atmosphere I had been part of, and by the people who had made an impact on me. However, I found that my excitement lasted only about a week, and I slid back into the old dull routine again.
The following year I went back to Capernwray for two weeks and again caught the previous year’s enthusiasm. I remember telling one of the leaders that although last year had been a good one, it had fallen flat when I returned home. I assured him that I intended this year would be different. Full of enthusiasm and excitement, I returned home again. This time, I managed to keep that adrenalin going for about ten days, only to find myself back in the rut again. As a solution to the problem, I began to say to myself, “I must go to Capernwray Hall more often”, and I found ways of attending twice a year until I began spending more of my school holidays there. As inspirational as it was, not much had changed for me.
Then I made a simple discovery. The source of the blessing was not Capernwray Hall or the conferences. It was Jesus Christ, Himself. He didn’t live at Capernwray or hide away in conference centers, coming out for special meetings. Jesus Christ lived in me, and His mercies, His supplies, His compassions, His strength, His wisdom and His riches were new every single morning and available to me.
What a joy to go into every day with the confidence that all I ever need is there for wherever I am and right now in Jesus Christ. As Christians, there is no need to worry about yesterday or tomorrow, for every day is a new day with the provision of the LORD fresh every morning for all of us!
Prayer: thank you, Lord, for the new, fresh supply of resources you have for me today. thank you for your faithfulness, and may I always come into each new day with gratitude, knowing you are my provider.
To reflect upon: Am I starting each day with the confidence that all I’ll ever need is already in me in Jesus Christ? How have His blessings enriched my days and do I anticipate tomorrow with eagerness, knowing it’s another day lived in Christ?