Day 17

Charles Price

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” —PROVERBS 3:5-6

Some years ago I realized the Bible never tells us to pray for guidance as God has already committed Himself to direct our paths. We may pray for wisdom, but we can thankfully assume He is going to guide us, because He said He would. When I stopped praying for guidance I became completely relaxed about the direction of my life, for the issues were already decided and, in the course of time, would come to pass as God made it so.

We do need wisdom, and God gives it to those who ask. But I suspect the bigger problem we face is that we don’t trust God’s timing or we limit His options. We might pray, “Lord, please give me this job I am applying for because, you know, it’s just what I am looking for.” Or we say, “Lord, please lead me to the person You want me to marry. I’m already 21 years old and I need to know!” Or, “Lord, give me the new house I want because it’s just right for us. Please don’t let anybody else put a higher bid in on it.” Or, “Lord, let me have a raise. I’m struggling and just a little bit of a raise would really help me.”

We pray for such things out of the depth of human wisdom and logic, but sometimes God doesn’t give us what we want. So then we try to twist His arm and say, “God, just show me that You love me by giving me this job. Just prove yourself. You know, I trust You, but I’m willing to doubt as well, so You had better prove yourself by doing this. God, I will serve You forever if You just let this one thing happen.”

I have been there, so I assume some of you have too. You know what God says to you and me? It is what He said to a man who came and asked for healing, “Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders you will never believe” (John 4:48). Sometimes God will give us those signs, and we do believe, but He also brings us to the point where we believe without the signs. It is a great moment when God brings us to the point of trusting Him with nothing to show for it – just sheer, naked, unconditional trust in Him. Then, He can do anything with us He wants.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I believe You. I trust You and I know You are directing my paths according to your will for me. May I always submit to You, and experience to the fullest the plan You have for my life. Thank You, Lord.

TO REFLECT UPON: Am I at times twisting God’s arm to get what I want, or am I living day to day, trusting Him for what He has planned for me?