Day 8

Charles Price

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” —MATTHEW 11:29

For some people the existence of God is a sound explanation for the existence of the universe and all that lies within it. There seems evidence of a great mind behind it and the wonderful creation must have a greater cause. We either call him God, or speak in more vague terms of ‘intelligent design’. Many have been satisfied for centuries with a “first cause = God” explanation for the universe.

 But if God remains only a piece in a hypothesis, He will be of no value to us. Perhaps, when things are tough we think of Him in a deeper sense and even look to Him, but then, like a bottle of aspirins, we put Him back on the shelf. 

We cannot have a relationship with God that is piece meal, turning to Him at certain times for certain things, but the rest of the time be self-sufficient. There is a saying I used to hear when a young Christian, “If Christ is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all”. We may be good, honest people; donate to charities, volunteer our services, work hard, raise families and go to church on Sundays, yet experience spiritual barrenness because we fail to live in dependence on God twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

For a vast number of people, it isn’t until they’re caught in a situation beyond their control that they turn more fully to God, but when they do, they will find Him, not as a band-aid for their time of need, but as Lord. C.S. Lewis says that when he became a Christian it was like inviting builders into his house. He thought they had come to do a few repairs. The ceiling needed plastering, the windows double glazing, some paint on the walls, but instead, he found the builders renovating the whole house, knocking down walls, building new ones, moving the staircase, creating new windows. He cried out to God, “Stop, I didn’t ask You to do that.” And the reply was, “Didn’t you know I was going to turn your shack into a palace?”

When we turn fully to God, placing our faith in Him, He comes to take over. Our theory of God as the first cause must move to God as our Redeemer, Saviour and Lord as He progressively reveals Himself and leads us into fullness of life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, You are my strength and refuge in difficult times. All the help I need comes from You and I thank You, Lord, not only for dying for me, but for living in me. I pray that You fill me more and more.

TO REFLECT UPON: When was the most pivotal time that I knew God was working in my life? Write down my thoughts and reflect upon them.